You're a star in nobody's eyes but mine
I'm feeling very full. Not that I ate alot but I think it was because Hit, Jill & I bought this 473ml Ben&Jerry Pfishe Fudge (or something simliar) & we dugged into it. Hmm maybe not dug, that sounds too disgusting & crude. Nontheless, I don't have to tell you that all Ben&Jerry(s) are delicious, do it? So today was Cca phototaking. We were scheduled at 4.40pm (so late) & we had cranky photographers (who spoke hokkien to convent girls & were too rude). Good thing is that we took many preeeeetty photos :)
I dknw what got me here, but I know this is a very random entry. So pardon me. I am now getting determined to study very hard. At least I know where I'm heading.