Monday, January 09, 2006

dream it, make it

okay right now the only reason why i'm posting this entry is cause i'm feeding my addiction. i can't help not being on comp. it's just this urge that never seems to go away till i satisfy it. now i know what an addiction really is. so since i'm online i shall update.

first day of week two & the feeling of stress can never be worst. there's only two main things on my mind - school & hockey. play is long gone. game on saturday was postponed. it was such a disappointment cause we all woke up early to be on time for the game. but to our dismay, the game was postponed. then i checked training schedule & found out that hockey is on six times this week (if you wanna include today but training was cancelled due to the rain). training tmrw, on a public holiday. under-21 games are on this saturday & sunday. i'm not grumbling, really. but five to six trainings & games per week is no joke. this is really getting hectic. we're all trying so hard to manange our time, to make time for studying. we can chase time but we can't fight time, seriously. yeah i know it all boils down to time management. i'm really trying damn hard this year. it's true that somehow when you've a target & yknw where you wanna go, you'll strive & make time for it.

i need much more self motivation than this. through the darkest night, God's light will shine. when everythings' broken, His hands will comfort me.

God Bless All.
greatest lovinggg <3